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About Marienbourg

The Duchy of Marienbourg is a self-proclaimed microstate unrecognized by any major country and thus labeled as a micronation. It is a tiny piece of land formed by privated properties and united as a country out of the free will of its people. The little country is located in the Brazilian highlands, enclaves in the state of Minas Gerais, in the east part South America.



Marienbourg is a modern democratic parliamentary constitutional monarchy with a Duke as head of state and an elected Minister-President as head of government.  We are the only Duchy in South America! The country is formed by two confederated municipalities that are free to administer themselves and secede, if it be their will. With several mechanisms of direct democracy in place, the Marienbourgish people can participate directly in political decision-making.​ Learn more at the MicroWiki!

Portrait of King Arthur II of Ebenthal (crop).png

Culture and people

The Marienbourgish are a plural people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions and opinions. The official national culture is a reflexion the caipira [hillbilly] culture of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, with organic changes and borrowed adaptations. However, the multitude of peoples that make up our demography make the culture of Marienbourg an overview of the cultures of its citizens, always based on the democratic principles that built our nation. We are an open, and receptive country, with a lot of nature and unique people. ​Learn more at the MicroWiki!

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